Life's Work

Joe LaChance,personal development

Going through each day the temptation to devalue each task and action you take is enticing. Society appears to only value and reward big achievements. The Oscars were on the other night, and all the casual viewer sees is the rewards of the life's work of actors and filmmakers-- the ten-thousand foot view of all of their seemingly unconsequential decisions that no one ever sees. The reality of course is that each of those humans made the decision to wake up each and every day, and curate each daily movement towards a greater goal, making a movie, or a dozen movies, perhaps.

For humans who don't have goals of fame or fortune, it's easier to discount the daily decisions because it may not be obvious what they add up to, but each person's life's work is important. Every daily decision is an addition to your legacy and the life you're leaving behind. And your life's work will be heard. Think of your life's work like a stone being tossed into a pond and the energetic ripple effect it has across society.

It's okay if the decision you make today isn't with the idealistic goal of your life's final legacy, but it's important not to lose sight of your life's vision, and all of the decisions that make up that vision. This will become your life's work. Each decision or group of decisions can be broken into smaller chunks, a decision tree graph of your actions, if you will. And through those your final legacy will take it's shape.

Love yourself and move thoughtfully towards something a little bigger than you think you can acheive each day.

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